But it was on the property, and it was amazing to behold. This was on my antena this past weekend. I just love dragonflies! Thank you Dawn for grabbing my camera and snapping this picture.
I will have to tell you the story of my last garden tour....it involved Hal (Halloween Cat) and group of garden tour visitors....and a dragon fly.
Let me think of the best way to tell that tale. :)
Our beautiful Header is courtesy of The Frog Queen.Special thanks to Marci Brandt for the photo .
When Seeds Are Planted
Intriguing things begin to grow!
On January 6, 2010, Jeanne, over at The Candy Corn Chronicles, began a two day series on the state of our plant and seed industry, and how much peril heirloom and native plant seeds are in of becoming extinct.
Over the next few days, Chris, aka, The Frog Queen, over at Frog On The Pumpkin, Becca of Magikal Seasons fame, and myself shared some of our thoughts and ideas about our gardens and our dreams.
Finding that while we are diverse not only in our climates, and our personal favorites in styles of gardening, we all agree in promoting a healthy green planet.
Taking it a step further, blending in our combined love of all things magickal and spooky into a group blog format, wasn't a stretch at all!
So here we are. Presenting a diverse assortment of botanical topics for your reading pleasure. We hope that you will join in with your comments and questions, sharing new ideas and rediscovering old ones.
Becca, Chris, Jeanne, Sherry & Suzie
"It is good to be alone in a garden at dawn or dark so that all its shy presences may haunt you and possess you in a reverie of suspended thought."
It is not the intent of this blog, or its contents to promote any herbal medical preparation or application, but merely to outline any potential medicinal properties of certain herbs, when discussing the plant as a whole.
We are not qualified medical personnel, nor certified herbalists and therefore it is strongly recommended that no one use any herbal treatments without seeking professional advice beforehand.
Great shot! :0)