Sunday, April 1, 2012

Snake's Head Iris

Spooky Iris( Hermodactylus tuberosa) looks like a snake head. The color is amazing greenish yellow with almost black tipped falls. Iris is the Greek Goddess of Rainbows. These flowers are named after her and come in all shades of the rainbow including pumpkin orange and black!


  1. What a vibrant color! It looks really cool with those black tips. Are you growing any of these in your garden?

  2. Hi Justine this I grew this one. I think I planted the tubers 3 years ago this is the first bloom. I am not sure if they will multiple and spead like other Iris. I hope it will it is one of the first things flowering for me here in Michigan.

  3. I love Iris - quite hardy and the colors are incredible! This one is quite striking! :0)

  4. SO pretty! My neighbor gave me one that might be BLACK!!! (The bud looks blackish but I think it blooms a dark purple. It should bloom any day now. Definitely getting pics!) Yours is GORGEOUS!
