one day, but if I came across a pile of money hiding under a rock somewhere, I would definitely buy a garden folly from Redwood Stone. They have several Gothic garden follies that would be perfect for the yard.
Would this folly not be perfect as part of a yard haunt? I would put a ghost effect in the window..either FCG or video effect....I wonder if I can convince husband to let me put this in the Halloween budget :D
I love the layout and how it looks like they have several different type of vines growning on it. As expensive as it is, it is the only way I am going to get something like this, as that there does not seem to be many ruined abbeys, churches or castles in my area :D
Cheek out their line of garden art pieces....they are a bit spendy but cool! I don't even want to know what the shipping from the UK would cost :D
Oh, I SOoooo want one of them!!!! Must go find that lottery ticket.....
ReplyDeleteNow that's a real garden dream--oh my! I'd keep it haunted looking all year--maybe look like an abby with statues and headstones nearby.