Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Is that there all the time?

Yes, yes it is.

I am constantly surrounded by lovely people that love this Halloween stuff we do.  We likely all have different reasons....but we are very like minded that way....and our extended friends and family know that we are really into Halloween so I never feel strange or feel the need to defend my home and yard decor......until outside (non-Halloween) people enter the property.

Enter the property and notice that there is a skeleton in my garden......and then they notice the skulls, and the skeleton door mat...and the....

I always answer their questions the same..."yes, yes I do leave that stuff up all year."

I just started white pumpkins around the skeleton.....I don't grow them for use in the display, more of just a photo opp during the month of October.  

Now I gotta put the scary scarecrow back up.....but I am going to wait until after the wedding this weekend.


  1. I love the skeleton! People just need to loosen up a bit. :)

  2. Yeah, probably every blogger I follow is known as the "Halloween person" to their friends and family. :) I know what you mean ~ Sometimes when I meet a new person they act like I have a weird interest! So do you decorate that skeleton for different holidays? (Like some people dress up those plastic geese at their front doors) ;)

  3. I'd dress up Mr. Skelly for the wedding.....
    Maybe a bowtie and derby.....

  4. Jeanne....so have a pink bowtie that I am going to put on him this weekend.!!! Thanks for the idea! You rock!

    Justine - I really should dress him for the holidays!! Great idea...when you see it on the blog you know where it came from!

    DOJ - people do need to loosen up....really :D

    Thanks everyone!

